Thursday, December 29, 2011

Weekend Forecast

So, this weekend’s forecast is as follows:

Friday: 16 mile run
Saturday: Matteson Dash into the New Year 5k
Sunday: Recuperate from lots of running (and lots of NYE celebrating)
Monday: Doctors appointment to make sure my body isn't slowly crumbling

I decided to mix my training up a little bit, because I wanted to get the 5k race in there. I think it is good for me to get a little competition in so I can get more familiar with the "race setting". I have only done 2 other races before, so pacing with other people and running smart are things I need to improve upon. 

For the 16 mile run, I am hoping that the weather cooperates with me. Of course, as I am writing this, on Thursday, the weather is beautiful out and conditions for a great run. I am sitting here, doing nothing outside. I am going to map out my course before hand again so I know I am "going the distance" of 16 miles. Tonight I am going to think of a way to make sure I have aqua with me when I run, but I don't want to hold it. I might look into buying some sort of pack for my waist or something. 

I am already looking forward to Sunday. We are getting a hotel in Chicago, and so my bed will be comfortable and I can sleep in (hopefully)!!! 

I have a check up for Monday with the doctors. I am just making sure that I am maintaining a healthy training/ diet regimen for my body. I am going to ask the doc to look at my ankle, knees and heart. Lets hope all goes well. 

That’s about it. As the days go by, ultimately so do the weeks and before I know it, I'll be running my marathon! 

Until the next run, 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Running Around Town

Well, no one said that this training was going to be easy, and now that I am getting into the longer stages of running in my preparation, I am seeing this to be a reality more that not. I know that I have been having a good training experience so far, but I think a lot of it has to do with my determination and drive to succeed at this!

So, on Saturday, I was scheduled to run 15 miles. I am going to admit that I was only able to complete 14.35 miles. While I did not complete the scheduled length, I am really proud of myself. There were several factors that I believe contributed to me not finishing: new route, elevation, and lack of hydration.

For my long runs, I have been doing laps around the 3.6-mile trail near where I live. I didn’t really feel like running in giant circles, so I decided to try running around Park Forest and “discover new territory” although the route I used, I used because I knew where I was going. I drove around before hand so I could map out the course and make sure my mileage was accurate to what I was actually running. This run not only included residential scenery, but also some “highway” (Governors Highway), lots of inclines, SUN! and both gravel and sidewalk areas.

I have come to realize that for me, the first 3-6 miles are the toughest. They are the hardest to stay motivated and not want to just stop and walk. I’m thinking that maybe I need to intake some sort of energy right before I start my runs so that it is smooth sailing from the start. After that 6th mile, I am usually feeling good and have little problems.

One of the main things I was trying to concentrate on while running was not to worry about timing. I know that I usually like to stay within an 8 min/mile pace, but because it was so long and I knew that it was a new route that I just needed to focus on keeping a comfortable pace and completing the run.

Anywho, for the most part the run went well. Toward the 13 mile mark, I was in need, major need, for some Gatorade or water or something to hydrate my body. I ran and munched on my energy bars while I was running, but those contributed to my dry mouth. I really think that if I had some liquids (and I have taken enough nutrition classes in college to know the importance of liquids and hydration while long exercises) that I would have been able to finish the race.

My knees also at the end of the run were really feeling the run. I think I have some serious knee issues, but am afraid to got to the doctor for the thought of them telling me that I really should not be running like I am on my knees just really doesn’t not sit well with me. I am going to schedule a doctor’s appointment this week though to make sure that I am healthy enough to complete this marathon.

So there you have it. I did my 14 miles and am trying to maintain my optimism for my future runs. Here are the stats from this weekends run:

Pace: 9:43 min/mile
Calories Burnt: 2106

As always, thanks for reading!

Until the next run,

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 10!

This marks the 10th week of my training. The scariest thing about that is that there are only 18 weeks to the training program, so AHHH only 8 more weeks left and then I have to run my marathon. While it still seems daunting and intimidating, I am totally ready to just do it! I say this all now and come the day of the race, I will be freaking out!

This week brought some news to me. I went to the store and picked up some new gloves for the cold weather. I had been using an older pair of North Face gloves, but they just were cutting it for me. The really awesome thing about them though was that I could still operate my phone! I got two new Nike pairs.  One of which are for not so cold weather and the other are more heavy duty. I used them both this week and so far so good. They even have a pocket for a key! Its pretty awesome!

Also new this week are my SHOES!!! I finally got my act together and went to a store, The Human Race Sport in Orland Park, and got my feet analyzed and fitted for a specific pair of shoes. Not quite sure of the exact kind, but they are Asics. So, I must tell you this story, as it will serve as some amusement from my rather dry blog that you read.

I am at this store and they are doing all these tests to my feet, which I have learned that I am pronated (Look it up). Any who, the man helping me had me try on a pair of shoes. He took me outside of the store, which was in a strip mall, and told me to run down to the mailbox and back. I did as he told and we went back inside. They he had me try one another pair and told me to the same, while he this time waited inside. So I run down to the mail and turn around. I begin to run back to the store and am looking down at my shoes to “examine my feet as I run” when all of the sudden **SMACK** I run right into a door as someone is walking out. It literally was like a scene from a movie. The man obviously wasn’t cautiously walking out of the door to be aware of some idiot running along the strip mall, so he flung the door open and walked out. I ran straight into the edge of the door, clobbered the man walking out and made a complete fool of myself. The man felt really bad too and wanted to make sure I was ok, but we couldn’t help but laugh (I was secretly crying inside because it freaking hurt) but we shook it off and continued on our way. My word of caution, when trying on shoes and running along a strip mall, be aware of opening door!
Needless to say, those were the shoes that I ended up buying! :D

This week has been ok so far. I have had slower than usual times, but I think a lot of it is I am trying new routes and the weather has been very overcast, chilly and wet. I am remaining positive, because I know that I will not always have 7-8 minute paces. This week I have run 9 miles. Tomorrow is 4 and then on Saturday, the big 15! Lets hope for a little sun at least!

Until the next run, 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

blown away

Man, today was a windy one. I knew it was windy when I started my run. The thing with running is that half of it will be good and the other half is bad. You can either run with the wind or against it. 

I started off my run and I was running with the wind. Normally I would like this because it is isn’t pushing against me and not all in my face, but today it was really windy and was actually making me go faster. I had to concentrate on my pace and not let the wind speed up my pace blowing behind me. I did an OK job with that. 

Inevitably, I have to turn around and run back on the path, which means that this time I had run against the wind. It was BRUTAL!!! At some points, I felt like I was pumping my legs so hard but getting nowhere. Being that I am running in Illinois means that it is ALLLL flat lands so there is nothing to break up the wind, and go figure most of this run was on an open road so there were no trees or buildings. 

I did make it though the run. I knew my timing was going to be off from what I normally run due to the wind. I was totally ok with this! I think I need to get out of the mindset of running a certain time. I just need to run for the sake of running. I will finish eventually. Besides the horrible wind, I felt pretty good. 

Until the next run, 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Half Marathon, SAY WHAT!?!?

Alright, I did it! I officially ran the distance of a half marathon. Something I literally never thought I would do! My goal was to write this right after my run, so that things would be fresh in my mind, but when I tried, the last thing I wanted to do was sit in front of the computer and type, I was so tired. So here's what went down! 

On Saturday night, I took some melatonin pills to help me have a good night sleep. My intention was to get up at 6:45, eat some food, and rest a little until my run at 8. But go figure, I work up at 7:45. So, I did the same things, just an hour behind my intended time. I made sure to go to the store and pick up my energy bars to take on my run. I finally made it to the forest preserve around 9 and began my run. 

The weather was great. The sun was shining and I couldn't be happier with that. It usually takes my .50 miles to warm up and get comfortable. There was a light dusting of snow on some areas of the trail, but nothing worth continuing about. I was looking forward to listening to my music as I had updated my playlist! There were a few people walking and running on the trail as well, which I love. 

While running, I remembered something that someone told me earlier that week. And take this as some advice for you "encouragers". I was speaking to someone about where I like to run, at this particular forest preserve. She told me that her and her husband like to walk there and it is nice, but I need to watch out for coyotes or wolves (I can't remember). She continued to tell me that these animals not only are prevalent in that area, but since it is a more rural area, they are breeding with dogs, AND that they travel in packs rather than alone, because they have the dog pack instinct in them. So, here I am, minding my own business running and jamming out to music when all of the sudden this thought pops into my head. Now, I am sure she was just sharing that story with me to warn me, but the last thing I want to be is afraid when I am running that a pack of half wolf/coyote half dog will be lurking about watching my every move, planning their attack. 

Anyways, I am going to not worry about that too much. FYI, skip this next paragraph if you are of the weak stomach. Of all the running I have done, one thing that I have learned in preparation for my long runs is to definitely use the restroom before hand. Yes, I am talking about going #1 and #2. Now the only reason why I am going to talk about this is because I am blogging about my total experience, and this is what happened to me on my run. So, about mile four I realized something. I forgot to go to the bathroom (#2) before my run. It was something I told myself before I went to bed the night before. Long story short, I wasn't about to stop my run and go in the forest, so I sucked it up and moved forward. I did have gas throughout my run, and later learned that I had sharted just a little bit in my pants. haha/ew I know! (You are the one who chose to follow my blog) So yes, go both #1 and#2 before your longs runs. It is more important that you will ever realize. 

Moving on from that story... For the most part, my run went really well. As always, at point of the run various parts of my body got tight and sore. I really need to continue my leg strength conditioning on my short run days. The wind does make it more difficult, but you just have to muster through that. I wore my leggings, turtleneck and pullover, gloves and earmuffs throughout the run. I stayed warm, but not hot which was very comfortable. 

Once the run was over, I walked for a while because my body was sore and tried but I didn't want to just stop and leave. When I got back to my car, I did my stretches. I brought some G2 Gatorade and drank some of that and finish my energy bars to restore some of the nutrients that were lost. 

So, here are the details of my run:

Distance: 13.22
Time: 1:45:02
Pace: 7:56 mins/mile
Calories Burnt: 1947

I was really pleased with my result. The more important thing was that I wasn't exhausted and ready to die by the end. This is promising for the remainder of my training. 

More updates to come. Happy Running to you all! 

Until the next run, 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Who's ready for Sunday? This Guy!

So, I have done my short runs for the week, and for the most part it went well. On Thursday, I ran 3 miles as fast as I thought I could for the whole run. I finished just under 23 minutes. I guess I'll take it. 

So, I have today and tomorrow off. Normally my long runs would come on Saturday, but my training program was nice to me this week :D I will not be doing anything physical, or physically demanding for these days. I do have my show (shameless plug for) "She Loves Me" performances at The Drama Group in Chicago Heights, call 708. 755.3444 for more details. So yes, moving on... 

I have a HALF MARATHON to run on Sunday. Well, not an actual race, but the distance will be 13.2 miles. Looking ahead, the weather will be the best it is supposed to be all weekend, so if all hold up according to the not so accurate Chicago forecasts, I should have good weather conditions for my run. I will most likely do what I did for my 12 mile run last weekend. Eat the same foods, dress the same, and bring an energy bar and use the heating pad for my back. I am not going to go out after my show on Saturday night, as I will have to do my run at 8:00am. I do not want to create any excuses for myself! I am looking forward to the challenge; I just hope that I can live up to it. 

I will let you know on Sunday how it goes, if I'm alive :D So, I guess the next matter of business is... How is your running going? Have you become inspired? Or, is there any aspect of my training that I am not talking about that you may be curious in? Comment here or shoot me an email at Comments are always welcomed and appreciated, that way I know I'm not the only one reading my blog haha. 

Until the next run, 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Today was the start of a new running week. It started off with a 3 mile run. Let me tell you, it was cold and windy today, which makes for a not-so-pleasurable run. I was able to run the 3 miles in 24 minutes, which I think is the fastest I've run so far, but I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I just wanted to get the run over with! I should use that mentality more often. 

Tomorrow is 6 miles, then 3 or 4 on Thursday and I have Friday and Saturday off because I am supposed to run my first Half Marathon on SUNDAY. It isn't an actual race, but the distance will be 13.2 miles. I have already looked ahead to the forecast for Sunday, and it said that it is supposed to be 40 and sunny, which for me is the best weather to run in! So, cross your fingers for me! 

I'm going to be doing some updating of my music for my runs as I have gotten tired of the summer hits from 2010 :D. I will look around and see what I have on my computer and maybe bye some new music. I am open to suggestions. From what everyone keeps telling me, I wish it were easier for people to post comments on here. My favorite song to run to is Dog Days are Over by Florence and the Machine. It has a really good beat and keeps me energized, although when it came on my during my 12 mile the other day, I got a little too excited and upped my pace too much and got a little tired from it, so I have to be conscious of that when that song comes on. 

I have been trying to get into using this app Dailymile. It basically helps you connect with other people running/ working out, but also lets you log your mileage and it compiles info for you. I am also trying to follow other people’s blog to get inspiration from them. So are, ehh haha. At least I am trying. Gotta do what I gotta do, right!

Until the next run, 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Did I really just do that?!?!


I am happy to report that I am still alive. Today I ran a whopping... 12 Miles!!!! Let me tell you, today I am proud of myself! 

I stayed out last night after my show to hang out with the cast, and we had Mexican food. I refrained from having a drink, because I knew that I had to run today. I was out till around 1. I slept in this morning and got my butt out of bed around 10. I finally got food in my belly and got myself together and out the door around 11:30. I wanted to stop at the store and pick up an energy bar, and while I was there, I picked up a heating pad for my back, just incase. Any who, I got to the forest preserve ready to run. It was raining out, so I figured if it were too bad, I would just save the run for tomorrow. 

I deemed it ok to run in the rain, as it wasn't raining very hard (and let me tell you, that rain of course messed up my hair!). I had a plan in my mind. The trail is 3.6 miles long. So, I knew that I needed to run the trail 3 times and then figure the rest of the mileage out, on the 3rd lap. 

I began running, and the rain wasn't bad at all. The weather wasn't too cold and the air seemed crisp. As I came up to my first 3.6 miles, I was feeling good. My stomach was holding up, my body felt physically fine and my mind was clear. I figured I would start taking bites from the energy bar during the remainder of the run, so that I could keep up the good vibes. 

So, long story short, I finished the 2nd lap, and still was feeling really good. The only pain that I encountered during the run was sometimes in my right heel and my ankles felt a little sore periodically, but nothing worth complaining about. On to my 3rd lap. 

The good thing about running on a trail, in the forest preserve is that there are also other people who use the trail and so you can see them and wave and smile. It is nice to see other exercising too. As I was approaching mile 3 of the 3rd lap, I decided to take my phone out to see what my mileage looked like and much to my surprise, my math was off and I had already run 11.90 miles. I was soooo happy. I picked up my pace a little and finished at 12.11 miles. The following are my stats:

Miles: 12.11 miles
Time: 1:36.07
Pace: 7:59 mins/mile
Calories Burned: 1782

I was soo happy to see my timing. For those of you who are following along, my goal was to finish all my runs with a pace within 8:00 min. This run was above that!!!!!  And the best thing is that I could have seen myself continuing to run on! 

When I stopped running, my body hit TENSE UP MODE! I really felt the 12 miles in my legs and feet but in a good way. I finally made it to the car and did a lot of stretching. I know that it very important and I want to make sure I stay comfortable and healthy. I am feeling really good about where I am in my running right now, and if I keep this up, I am looking at a 3-hour marathon!!!! Lets not have me get ahead of myself though!

Until the next run, 