Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Running Around Town

Well, no one said that this training was going to be easy, and now that I am getting into the longer stages of running in my preparation, I am seeing this to be a reality more that not. I know that I have been having a good training experience so far, but I think a lot of it has to do with my determination and drive to succeed at this!

So, on Saturday, I was scheduled to run 15 miles. I am going to admit that I was only able to complete 14.35 miles. While I did not complete the scheduled length, I am really proud of myself. There were several factors that I believe contributed to me not finishing: new route, elevation, and lack of hydration.

For my long runs, I have been doing laps around the 3.6-mile trail near where I live. I didn’t really feel like running in giant circles, so I decided to try running around Park Forest and “discover new territory” although the route I used, I used because I knew where I was going. I drove around before hand so I could map out the course and make sure my mileage was accurate to what I was actually running. This run not only included residential scenery, but also some “highway” (Governors Highway), lots of inclines, SUN! and both gravel and sidewalk areas.

I have come to realize that for me, the first 3-6 miles are the toughest. They are the hardest to stay motivated and not want to just stop and walk. I’m thinking that maybe I need to intake some sort of energy right before I start my runs so that it is smooth sailing from the start. After that 6th mile, I am usually feeling good and have little problems.

One of the main things I was trying to concentrate on while running was not to worry about timing. I know that I usually like to stay within an 8 min/mile pace, but because it was so long and I knew that it was a new route that I just needed to focus on keeping a comfortable pace and completing the run.

Anywho, for the most part the run went well. Toward the 13 mile mark, I was in need, major need, for some Gatorade or water or something to hydrate my body. I ran and munched on my energy bars while I was running, but those contributed to my dry mouth. I really think that if I had some liquids (and I have taken enough nutrition classes in college to know the importance of liquids and hydration while long exercises) that I would have been able to finish the race.

My knees also at the end of the run were really feeling the run. I think I have some serious knee issues, but am afraid to got to the doctor for the thought of them telling me that I really should not be running like I am on my knees just really doesn’t not sit well with me. I am going to schedule a doctor’s appointment this week though to make sure that I am healthy enough to complete this marathon.

So there you have it. I did my 14 miles and am trying to maintain my optimism for my future runs. Here are the stats from this weekends run:

Pace: 9:43 min/mile
Calories Burnt: 2106

As always, thanks for reading!

Until the next run,

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