Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 10!

This marks the 10th week of my training. The scariest thing about that is that there are only 18 weeks to the training program, so AHHH only 8 more weeks left and then I have to run my marathon. While it still seems daunting and intimidating, I am totally ready to just do it! I say this all now and come the day of the race, I will be freaking out!

This week brought some news to me. I went to the store and picked up some new gloves for the cold weather. I had been using an older pair of North Face gloves, but they just were cutting it for me. The really awesome thing about them though was that I could still operate my phone! I got two new Nike pairs.  One of which are for not so cold weather and the other are more heavy duty. I used them both this week and so far so good. They even have a pocket for a key! Its pretty awesome!

Also new this week are my SHOES!!! I finally got my act together and went to a store, The Human Race Sport in Orland Park, and got my feet analyzed and fitted for a specific pair of shoes. Not quite sure of the exact kind, but they are Asics. So, I must tell you this story, as it will serve as some amusement from my rather dry blog that you read.

I am at this store and they are doing all these tests to my feet, which I have learned that I am pronated (Look it up). Any who, the man helping me had me try on a pair of shoes. He took me outside of the store, which was in a strip mall, and told me to run down to the mailbox and back. I did as he told and we went back inside. They he had me try one another pair and told me to the same, while he this time waited inside. So I run down to the mail and turn around. I begin to run back to the store and am looking down at my shoes to “examine my feet as I run” when all of the sudden **SMACK** I run right into a door as someone is walking out. It literally was like a scene from a movie. The man obviously wasn’t cautiously walking out of the door to be aware of some idiot running along the strip mall, so he flung the door open and walked out. I ran straight into the edge of the door, clobbered the man walking out and made a complete fool of myself. The man felt really bad too and wanted to make sure I was ok, but we couldn’t help but laugh (I was secretly crying inside because it freaking hurt) but we shook it off and continued on our way. My word of caution, when trying on shoes and running along a strip mall, be aware of opening door!
Needless to say, those were the shoes that I ended up buying! :D

This week has been ok so far. I have had slower than usual times, but I think a lot of it is I am trying new routes and the weather has been very overcast, chilly and wet. I am remaining positive, because I know that I will not always have 7-8 minute paces. This week I have run 9 miles. Tomorrow is 4 and then on Saturday, the big 15! Lets hope for a little sun at least!

Until the next run, 

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